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Archived Screenings
2009-06-28 California - San Francisco

World Premiere
7:30 p.m., Castro Theatre
(Party with cast and crew after) http://www.frameline.org
2009-07-01 Missouri - Kansas City

Kansas City Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
8 p.m.
2009-07-03 Wisconsin - Middleton

National Women's Music Festival
July 3 at 2 p.m.
July 4 at 3:30 p.m.
Madison Marriott West, Salon D
1313 John Q Hammons Drive
Middleton, Wisconsin http://wiaonline.org/
2009-07-10 California - Los Angeles

Los Angeles Outfest
7 p.m. at DGA 1 http://www.outfest.org/
2009-07-11 R Family Cruise - Seattle to Alaska
R Family Cruise
with Sharon Gless (in person) screening Hannah Free
A week of community, learning, laughter and love is all in store as we celebrate our freedom and pride aboard the Norwegian Star. Reserve your family's staterooms today. http://rfamilyvacations.com/
2009-07-19 Pennsylvania - Philadelphia

Philadelphia Qfest
Sunday 4:45pm Sharon Gless in Attendance to receive the Gay Icon Award.
Monday 5:00pm
2009-07-30 Ireland - Dublin

Dublin International
Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
2009-08-04 Michigan - Walhalla

Michigan Womyn's Music Festival
2009-08-08 North Carolina - Winston-Salem
OUT at the Movies, Winston-Salem and the Triad's GLBT film series will screen Hannah Free, starring Sharon Gless, on Saturday, August 8th, 7:00 PM at the ACE Theatre Complex on the campus of University of North Carolina School of the Arts, 1533 South Main Street in Winston-Salem.
2009-08-14 North Carolina - Durham

Gay and Lesbian Film Festival http://festivals.carolinatheatre.org/ncglff
2009-09-04 Hungary - Budapest
Hungarian LGBT Film and Cultural Festival
Hannah és Rachel egy életen át tartó szerelmét követjük végig az évtizedek viharában, amint Rachel halálos ágyánál ülve Hannah felidézi a múltat.
Mikor: 2009. szeptember 4., péntek 22:00
Hol: Müvész mozi, Buñuel terem http://www.budapestpride.hu/a-filmfesztival-menetrendje
2009-09-09 Florida - Key West
Key West Women's Fest Screening at Tropic Cinema
Kelly McGillis to introduce Sept. 9 Screenings with Sharon Gless
6:30 & 9 p.m.
Women(Film)Fest The Florida premiere of Hannah Free. Sponsored by The Studios of Key West. Introduction of the film by Kelly McGillis (Top Gun, Witness). Short Q & A after first show only with star Sharon Gless, executive producer Tracy Baim and the Director Wendy Jo Carlton. Girl's Night Out special event. Tropic Cinema. 416 Eaton St., Key West.
9:00 pm Artist Reception for Women(Film)Fest
Details soon on a benefit featuring Sharon Gless
THURSDAY, Sept. 10
6:30 & 9 p.m.
Women(Film)Fest The Florida premiere of Hannah Free. Followed by Q & A with Director Wendy Jo Carlton. Sponsored by The Studios of Key West. Tropic Cinema. 416 Eaton St., Key West.
2009-09-11 Tennessee - Memphis
Outflix Memphis http://www.outflixfestival.org
2009-09-12 Texas - Austin
Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival
Saturday, September 12th, 4:55pm, Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar (1120 South Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas, 78704).
2009-09-16 California - Fresno
Fresno Reel Pride http://www.reelpride.com/
2009-09-18 Colorado - Colorado Springs
Pikes Peak Lavender Film Festival
Bringing quality international lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender films to Colorado Springs http://www.pplff.org/
2009-09-25 Norway - Oslo
Oslo Gay & Lesbian Film Festival http://www.oglff.org/2008/english.php
2009-09-25 Illinois - Chicago
Hannah Free to debut in Chicago Sept. 25-Oct. 1 at Gene Siskel Film Center
Screen dates and show times:
Buy Hannah Free Tickets HERE
Monday Sept. 28
6:15 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
Tuesday Sept. 29
6:15 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
Wednesday Sept. 30
6:15 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
Thursday Oct. 1
6:15 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
2009-10-02 Oregon - Portland
Portland Lesbian & Gay Film Festival http://www.plgff.org/
2009-10-02 Georgia - Atlanta
Out on Film:
The Atlanta GLBTQ Film festival
2009-10-06 Illinois - Normal
7 p.m., FREE
The Normal Theater
209 North Street
Normal IL 61761
Director Wendy Jo Carlton and Actress Ann Hagemann (young Rachel) will Attend for Q&A
Sponsored by Advocacy Council for Human Rights http://www.normaltheater.com
2009-10-08 Florida - Tampa
Tampa Bay Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
2009-10-08 Texas - Dallas
Out Takes Dallas
2009-10-09 New Mexico - Albuquerque
Southwest Gay & Lesbian FF
2009-10-11 Massachusetts - Provincetown
Women's Week
Oct. 11, 14, 17
2009-10-15 Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival http://www4.uwm.edu/psoa/programs/film/lgbtfilm/
2009-10-15 New York - Rochester
ImageOut: Rochester LGBT Film and Video Festival http://www.imageout.org/index.html
2009-10-16 Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
Opening Night http://www.pilgff.org/2009_filmfest.html
2009-10-16 Canada - Winnipeg
Reel Pride
Winnipeg G&L Film Festival
2009-10-18 Pennsylvania - Indiana
Indiana Cares Campaign
2009-10-20 Germany - Hamburg
Hamburg Int. Lesbian & Gay Film Festival http://www.lsf-hamburg.de/
2009-10-22 District of Columbia - Washington
One In Ten: Washington DC http://www.oneinten.org/
2009-10-22 Canada - Montreal
image+nation: Montréal Int'l LGBT Fim Festival http://www.image-nation.org/
2009-10-23 Finland - Turku
Vinokino Film Screenings at Helsinki Pride http://www.tuseta.fi/vinokino/2009/
2009-10-23 California - Los Angeles
Los Angeles theatrical run
Laemmle's Music Hall 3
Multiple show times every day Oct. 23-29
Friday 5:00, 7:20 & 9:40
Saturday 12:20, 2:40, 5:00 7:20 & 9:40
Sunday 12:20, 2:40, 5:00 & 7:20
Mon-Thu: 5:00 & 7:20
9036 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, 90211
LOS ANGELES --Sharon Gless, (Burn Notice, Queer as Folk, Cagney & Lacey) stars in the passionate lesbian drama Hannah Free, a new film about a lifelong love affair between an independent spirit and the woman she calls home. The film opens theatrically at the Laemmle Music Hall in Beverly Hills on October 23 with special appearance by Sharon Gless at the 7:20 p.m. opening night screening. Also attending the opening will be stars Ann Hagemann, Kelli Strickland and Jacqui Jackson, Director Wendy Jo Carlton, Editor Sharon Zurek, and Executive Producer Tracy Baim.
Hannah (Sharon Gless) and Rachel (Maureen Gallagher) grew up as little girls in the same small Midwest town, where traditional gender expectations eventually challenge their deep love for one another. Hannah becomes an adventurous, unapologetic lesbian and Rachel a strong but quiet homemaker. Weaving back and forth between past and present, the film reveals how the women maintained their love affair despite a marriage, a world war, infidelities, and family denial.
Hannah Free is directed by Wendy Jo Carlton and written by Claudia Allen (based on her acclaimed stage play). The independent film shot entirely in Chicago also stars Taylor Miller (All My Children), Maureen Gallagher, Ann Hagemann, Kelli Strickland and Jacqui Jackson. The film is produced by Ripe Fruit Films. Executive Producers are Tracy Baim and Claudia Allen. The producers are Sharon Gless, Sharon Zurek (also the films editor), Martie Marro (also the films Music Director) and Wendy Jo Carlton. Director of Photography is Gretchen Warthen.
Laemmle's Music Hall 3 is located at 9036 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 310-274-6869, Web site http://www.laemmle.com/viewtheatre.php?thid=4. Show times are: Friday, Oct. 23, at 5, 7:20 & 9:40; Sat. Oct. 24, 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20 & 9:40; Sunday, Oct. 25, 12:20, 2:40, 5 & 7:20; and Mon-Thursday: 5 & 7:20 p.m.
Hannah Free had its Los Angeles premiere at Outfest in July. It is playing in dozens of cities around the world this fall.
For more information see: www.hannahfree.com, www.twitter.com/hannahfree or the Hannah Free page on Facebook.
PRESS CONTACT: Jim Dobson / Indie PR (jim@indie-pr.com)
HI-RES IMAGES: www.indie-pr.com/hannahfree
TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOnM3Ttaxv8
2009-10-24 India - Delhi
The Nigah QueerFest '09
Oct. 23- Nov. 1
Screened Oct. 24-25
2009-10-25 Washington - Seattle

Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Sunday, Oct.,
25th, closing night feature film.
2009-10-28 Spain - Madrid
Madrid Gay & Lesbian Film Festival http://www.lesgaicinemad.com/
2009-10-29 France - Paris
Paris Feminist Film Festival http://www.resistancesdefemmes.org/English.htm
2009-11-02 Massachusetts - Boston
LGBT Aging Project of Boston and Ripe Fruit Films
Hannah Free
Boston premiere
Monday, Nov. 2
6:30 p.m.
$15 in advance or at the door
Fenway Health
1340 Boylston Street, Boston
Meet Executive Producer Tracy Baim
Chance to win Hannah Free special prizes
2009-11-04 Minnesota - Minneapolis
Wed., Nov. 4, 7:00 p.m.
Hannah Free screening by the filmmakers
Riverview Theater
3800 - 42nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Tickets at the door, $10
(773) 387-2394, info@hannahfree.com
Sharon Gless, (Burn Notice, Queer as Folk, Cagney & Lacey) stars in the passionate lesbian drama Hannah Free, a new film about a lifelong love affair between an independent spirit and the woman she calls home. The film opens theatrically in Minneapolis Wed., Nov. 4, 7 p.m. for one show at the Riverview Theater, 3800 42nd Avenue South, Minneapolis.
Hannah (Sharon Gless) and Rachel (Maureen Gallagher) grew up as little girls in the same small Midwest town, where traditional gender expectations eventually challenge their deep love for one another. Hannah becomes an adventurous, unapologetic lesbian and Rachel a strong but quiet homemaker. Weaving back and forth between past and present, the film reveals how the women maintained their love affair despite a marriage, a world war, infidelities, and family denial.
The Chicago Tribune gave the film three stars, and the Huffington Post says Gless "delivers a stellar performance that is gritty, poignant and real." The San Francisco Chronicle said that Gless "commands the screen." The Web site Notes from Hollywood called the film "achingly beautiful."
Hannah Free is directed by Wendy Jo Carlton and written by Claudia Allen (based on her acclaimed stage play). The independent film shot entirely in Chicago also stars Taylor Miller (All My Children), Maureen Gallagher, Ann Hagemann, Kelli Strickland and Jacqui Jackson. The film is produced by Ripe Fruit Films. Executive Producers are Tracy Baim and Claudia Allen. The producers are Sharon Gless, Sharon Zurek (also the films editor), Martie Marro (also the films Music Composer) and Wendy Jo Carlton. Director of Photography is Gretchen Warthen.
For more information see: www.hannahfree.com, www.twitter.com/hannahfree or the Hannah Free page on Facebook.
For theater info see http://www.riverviewtheater.com/
PRESS CONTACT: Tracy Baim, 773-387-2394, info@hannahfree.com
HI-RES IMAGES: www.indie-pr.com/hannahfree
TRAILER: Hannah Free
2009-11-04 Massachusetts - Boston
Wednesday November 4th
Studio Cinema
376 Trapelo Road, Belmont, MA
Tickets: $12
Advance Sale Tickets Available Click Here http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=0015qcJ7P_42YgCfYDQ4QSKHnuSk7EhKBLdsTqyLlEAIDAqGs8L-hwsGTPIlWzQalAHgstQ9lhe4DQ9lbTY_l-yc5dI-_WGg3QIafVbZpprctpU-eqr5F4UV3sBMjbkDkHDU7LF5XbGj-B8bHGS53ZCVg%3D%3D
2009-11-06 Connecticut - Hartford
Out Film Connecticut/EROS FESTIVAL http://www.ctglff.org/
2009-11-11 Delaware - Rehoboth Beach
Rehoboth Beach Film Society http://www.rehobothfilm.com/
2009-11-12 Brazil - Sao Paulo
Festival Mix Brasil http://www.mixbrasil.org.br/
2009-11-13 Massachusetts - Northampton
Out! For Reel Film Series
Director Wendy Jo Carlton will be at Northampton screening. Her first Massachusetts appearance with the film. http://www.outforreel.org/
2009-11-14 Indiana - Indianapolis
Indianapolis LGBT Film Festival
TEL: 317-920-9047
2009-11-16 Northern Ireland - Belfast
Belfast Film Festival,
Week of Nov. 16
Northern Ireland, UK.
2009-11-16 New York - Long Island
Long Island Gay and Lesbian Film Festival http://www.liglff.org/
2009-11-17 North Carolina - Boone
Hannah Free
Tuesday Nov. 17, 7:30pm, Free.
Appalachian State University, Room 114
Belk Library and Information Commons. http://www.qfs.appstate.edu
2009-11-17 Canada - Toronto
INSIDE OUT special event in Toronto
Hannah Free on double bill with Eating Out 3
Royal Ontario Museum Theatre (100 Queen's Park Circle)
7:30 & 9:30PM
Single film: $10 Inside Out members, students & seniors, $12 general public
Double bill: $15 Inside Out members, students & seniors, $18 general public
Tickets available now:
To purchase online tickets Click Here
By Phone: 416.977.6847
In person: 401 Richmond St. W., Suite 219 (Mon-Fri 12-6PM)
Xtra!:491 Church St., Suite 200 (Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM)
AT the door if available the night of the screening beginning at 7PM.
2009-11-20 Germany - Verzaubert
Frankfurt, Cologne, Berlin and Munich, Germany
2009-11-27 Illinois - Chicago
CHICAGO Hannah Free, an independent film shot in Chicago last year, will make a return engagement to the Gene Siskel Film Center of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago after numerous sold-out shows during its recent Chicago theatrical run. The film, which stars Sharon Gless, (Queer as Folk, Burn Notice, Cagney & Lacey), will play Nov. 27-Dec. 3.
The film is playing in dozens of cities worldwide this fall, including one-week theatrical runs in Los Angeles (Oct. 23-29 at Laemmle's Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills) and New York (Dec. 11-17, at The Quad in the Village). See www.hannahfree.com for a full listing.
Sharon Gless and a cast of Chicago stage veterans star in the passionate lesbian drama Hannah Free, a film about a lifelong love affair between an independent spirit and the woman she calls home. The film also stars Taylor Miller (All My Children), Maureen Gallagher, Ann Hagemann, Kelli Strickland and Jacqui Jackson. Hannah Free is directed by Wendy Jo Carlton and written by Claudia Allen (based on her acclaimed stage play).
The Chicago Tribune gave the film three stars, and the Huffington Post says Gless "delivers a stellar performance that is gritty, poignant and real." The San Francisco Chronicle said that Gless "commands the screen." The Web site Notes from Hollywood called the film "achingly beautiful."
Executive Producers of Hannah Free are Tracy Baim, Claudia Allen and Sharon Zurek (also the film's editor, from Black Cat Films). The producers are Sharon Gless, Martie Marro (also the film's Music Composer) and Wendy Jo Carlton. Director of Photography was Gretchen Warthen.
Tickets will go on sale soon. Tickets to each screening are $10/general admission. Other ticket prices are $7/student and $5/Film Center members. All tickets may be purchased at the Film Center Box Office, 164 N. State St. Both general admission and Film Center member tickets are available through Ticketmaster, 800-982-2787, www.ticketmaster.com, and all Ticketmaster outlets. The Film Center and its Box Office are open 5-9 p.m., Monday-Friday; 2-9 p.m., Saturday; and 2-6 p.m., Sunday. For more information about the Film Center, call 312-846-2800 (24-hour movie hotline) or 312-846-2600 (general information, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday), or visit www.siskelfilmcenter.org.
Discounted parking is available for $14 for nine hours at the InterPark SELF-PARK at 20 E. Randolph St. A rebate ticket can be obtained from the Film Center Box Office.
Friday, November 27
5:00 pm
7:45 pm
Saturday, November 28
8:00 pm
Sunday, November 29
4:15 pm (this show only is in the 61-seat theater)
Monday, November 30
8:15 pm
Thursday, December 3
8:15 pm
2009-11-27 Austria - Vienna
Exclusive HANNAH FREE sneak peek screening at the Breitenseer Lichtspiele in Vienna, AUSTRIA.
Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 8.30 p. m.
Location: Breitenseer Lichtspiele, Breitenseerstrasse 21, 1140 Wien
2009-11-29 France - Saint-Etienne
Face to Face Gay & Lesbian Film Festival St. Etienne (France) http://faceaface.ntic.fr/index.php?perma=1256887091&PHPSESSID=5a49c9e31b6ec3dfa291295e84b00d06
2009-12-11 New York - New York
One-week theatrical run of Hannah Free
Friday, Dec. 11-Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009
Every day shows 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 p.m.
The Quad
34 west 13th St
Hannah Free film opens in New York City Dec. 11-17, 2009
Sharon Gless, (Burn Notice, Queer as Folk, Cagney & Lacey) stars in the passionate lesbian drama Hannah Free, a new film about a lifelong love affair between an independent spirit and the woman she calls home. The film opens theatrically in New York City Dec. 11-17, 2009 at The Quad, 34 West 13th Street in The Village. There will be five screenings daily, at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 p.m. Call (212) 255-8800, or see www.quadcinema.com.
Members of the cast (Taylor Miller, Maureen Gallagher, Ann Hagemann, Kelli Strickland, Jacqui Jackson and Meg Thalken), director Wendy Jo Carlton, writer Claudia Allen, editor Sharon Zurek, music composer Martie Marro, and executive producer Tracy Baim and expected to attend the opening night film screenings.
Hannah (Sharon Gless) and Rachel (Maureen Gallagher) grew up as little girls in the same small Midwest town, where traditional gender expectations eventually challenge their deep love for one another. Hannah becomes an adventurous, unapologetic lesbian and Rachel a strong but quiet homemaker. Weaving back and forth between past and present, the film reveals how the women maintained their love affair despite a marriage, a world war, infidelities, and family denial.
The Chicago Tribune gave the film three stars, and the Huffington Post says Gless "delivers a stellar performance that is gritty, poignant and real." The San Francisco Chronicle said that Gless "commands the screen." The Web site Notes from Hollywood called the film "achingly beautiful."
Hannah Free is directed by Wendy Jo Carlton and written by Claudia Allen (based on her acclaimed stage play). The independent film shot entirely in Chicago also stars Taylor Miller (All My Children), Maureen Gallagher, Ann Hagemann, Kelli Strickland and Jacqui Jackson. The film is produced by Ripe Fruit Films. Executive Producers are Tracy Baim and Claudia Allen. The producers are Sharon Gless, Sharon Zurek (also the films editor), Martie Marro (also the films Music Composer) and Wendy Jo Carlton. Director of Photography is Gretchen Warthen.
For more information see: www.hannahfree.com, www.twitter.com/hannahfree or the Hannah Free page on Facebook.
For theater info see http://www.quadcinema.com/
PRESS CONTACT: Tracy Baim, 773-387-2394, info@hannahfree.com
HI-RES IMAGES: www.indie-pr.com/hannahfree
TRAILER: Hannah Free
2010-01-10 New Jersey - Jersey City
ChillFest New Jersey http://www.myspace.com/chillfestjerseycity
2010-01-16 Finland - Mariehamn, Aland islands
on Aland Islands
Sat., Jan. 16, 7 pm
Aland gay film festival "Film Fyr Alle" arranged for the second time by the Alandian gay organisation "Regnbagsfyren" in cooperation with the Alandian film institute
Alandica Culture Hall
Mariehamn, Aland islands
2010-01-16 Massachusetts - Williamstown
Queer Film Festival
2010-01-21 Ohio - Yellow Springs
Hannah Free two times only at the Little Art Theatre in Yellow Springs, Ohio, near Dayton. Thursday, Jan. 21 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 24 at 4 p.m., 247 Xenia Avenue in Yellow Springs.
Call 937-767-7671 for reservations (no online sales) and details will be posted soon at http://www.littleart.com.
2010-01-28 Canada - Ontario
Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival, Kingston http://www.reelout.com/
2010-01-28 Belgium - Brussels
Jan. 28 - Feb 6.
2010-01-29 Spain - Bilbao
Zinegoak Film Festival Bilbao
2010-01-29 New York - Albany
Hannah Free
Friday, Jan. 29, 6 p.m.
$12 Tickets
Capitol District Gay and Lesbian Community Council benefit
at "THE LINDA" WAMC's Performing Arts Studio
339 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
Tickets available online at www.thelinda.org or call 518-465-5233, ext.4.
2010-01-30 Arizona - Phoenix
Desperado Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
January 29th and 30th, 2010
Hannah Free Jan. 30th, time TBA
Paradise Valley Community College's Center for the Performing Arts
18401 N 32nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Box Office: 602.787.7738
2010-01-31 Canada - Kingston, Ontario
Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival
Kingston, Ontario Canada
Centerpiece Gala Selection
7pm in the Ellis Auditorium (58 University Avenue) and advance tickets go on sale January 8th at Novel Idea (156 Princess Street). Tickets are $10 for non-members or $9 for members. Membership is $10 and is available at the Reelout office at 336A Barrie Street.
2010-02-05 France - Toulouse
LGBT Film Festival Toulouse
2010-02-12 Illinois - Peoria
Friday, February 12
7:00 & 7:30
featuring star Ann Hagemann
call (309) 202-2278 for details
Peoria Theater - Independent Film & Event Center
3225 N Dries Lane
Peoria, IL
2010-02-15 Australia - Sydney
Palace Academy Twin, Paddington, NSW
2010-03-07 Washington - Mt. Vernon
March 7, 2010 3 p.m.
Lincoln Theatre
712 S. 1st St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Co-hosts: Skagit PFLAG and Skagit Human Rights Festival
Tickets (online): www.lincolntheatre.org
Tickets (phone): 360-336-8955 (M-F, noon-5pm)
Ticket price: $10.00 General, $8.00 Students/Seniors
2010-03-13 Missouri - St. Louis
St. Louis Benefit Premiere Screening
Presented by SAGE Metro St. Louis
Saturday, March 13
Tickets: $10
Doors Open: 5:45 p.m.
Movie Starts: 6:30 p.m.
MCC of Greater St. Louis
1919 South Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63104
Tickets on Sale at:
or by mail
Send check payable to:
SAGE Metro St. Louis
Tower Grove Manor, Suite 109
2710 South Grand Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63118
Reception immediately following the movie.
All proceeds benefit SAGE Metro St. Louis
2010-03-14 Maine - Waterville
Hannah Free
Theatrical Screenings
Railroad Square Cinema
17 Railroad Square, Waterville, Maine
2 Shows only
Sunday, March 14, 2:45 p.m.
Tuesday, March 16, 7:10 p.m.
$6 matinee, $7.50 evening
2010-03-17 Australia - Melbourne
Melbourne Queer Film Festival
2010-03-18 Canada - Waterloo
10th annual Rainbow Reels Queer Film Festival
March 18th-21st
Princess Twin Cinema
46 King St. North
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hosted by Waterloo Public Interest Research Group, Student Life Center
Rainbow Reels QFF
University of Waterloo
2010-03-19 Ohio - Cleveland
Cleveland International Film Festival
Friday, March 19th at 7:25 pm
Sunday, March 21st at 11:40 am
2010-03-28 Missouri - St. Louis
3rd annual QFest, presented by Cinema St. Louis
4:30 pm on Sunday the 28th
Co-star Jacqui Jackson and Executive producer Tracy Baim will attend
the screening and post-show Q&A
Landmark's Tivoli Theatre
TICKETS: All screenings will be held at the Tivoli Theatre, 6350 Delmar Blvd. in the University City Loop. Individual tickets are $10 each or $8 for students and Cinema St. Louis members with valid and current photo id's. Advance tickets for programs at this venue are for sale at the Tivoli box office beginning February 14th. Box-office hours are 5-10 p.m. Monday-Friday and 2-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. No phone sales. For tickets online, visit www.landmarktheatres.com/tickets. When ordering tickets online through the Landmark Theatres website, click on the TIME and not the movie title in order to purchase. There is a $1 per-ticket service charge. Pick up your tickets at the box-office window at the Tivoli. http://www.landmarktheatres.com/tickets
2010-03-30 Arizona - Tucson
Wingspan and LesbianLooks
March 30, 2010
6:30 pm reception
7:30 pm Hannah Free Screening
$10 Fundraiser for Wingspan
The Loft Cinema
3233 East Speedway Blvd., Tucson, AZ
Proceeds to benefit Wingspan, Tucson's lgbt community center
Wingspan's telephone number is 1.520.624.1779
2010-04-01 California - Palm Springs
Hannah Free
One Show Only in Palm Springs
Thursday, April 1, 7:30 p.m.
Tickets $11 for show
$25 for show plus post-show reception
Camelot Theatre
2300 E. Baristo Rd.
Q&A follows the film with:
Director Wendy Jo Carlton
Actor Kelli Strickland
Executive Producer Tracy Baim
Post-show benefit reception at Trio Restaurant
Part of the proceeds benefit the
AIDS Assistance Program of Palm Springs
Online Ticketing: www.camelottickets.com
Telephone Ticketing: 1-800-595-4849 (orders only, no information provided)
2010-04-09 Australia - Brisbane
Brisbane Queer Film Festival/Brisabane Powerhouse
April 9 - 18
2010-04-15 Italy - Torino
Torino GLBT Film Festival http://www.tglff.com/
2010-04-16 California - San Diego
FilmOut San Diego http://www.filmoutsandiego.com/joomla/
2010-04-23 Michigan - Grand Rapids
Hannah Free
Friday, April 23, 2010
Time: 7:30pm EST
Wealthy Theatre
Part of The Queeries series,
special guest Director Wendy Jo Carlton
1130 Wealthy SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
$6/General, $3/CMC Members*
Phone for Tickets: 616-459-4788 x131
Website for Tickets www.wealthytheatre.org
*CMC Members Community Media Center (CMC) owns and operates Wealthy Theatre.
CMC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has no political or religious affiliations, which operates a community FM radio station, a public access television station, provides low-cost multimedia education, and runs Wealthy Theatre http://www.wealthytheatre.org
2010-04-23 Ontario - London
London Lesbian Film Festival (London, Ontario)
HANNAH FREE http://www.llff.ca/
2010-04-24 Florida - Miami
Miami International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Saturday, April 24, 5 p.m.
Regal 17
Star Sharon Gless will be at the screening and post party,
joined by actor Ann Hagemann, Director Wendy Jo Carlton,
Writer Claudia Allen and Executive Producer Tracy Baim.
2010-04-27 Delaware - Newark
University of Delaware
University GLBT film series
6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the movie theatre in the Trabant University Center. The films are free and open to the public.
2010-04-30 Massachusetts - Boston
showing on Friday, April 30, 8pm
Lawrence School Auditorium on Francis St. in Brookline, MA
Tickets at door: $15 per person - cash or check,
made payable to Greater Boston PFLAG
Tickets in advance: $12 per person - send check, made payable to Greater Boston PFLAG, to Law Offices of Susan Wilson, LLC, 1309 Beacon St., Suite #1, Brookline, MA 02446, postmarked no later than Monday, April 26th.
For further information, please contact Sue at 617-277-2101 or attysuew@suewilsonlaw.com
2010-05-05 Indiana - Ft Wayne
Hannah Free
Wednesday, May 5 at 6:30 p.m. - Admission is Free!
The Women's First Wednesday Series
Each month on the first Wednesday, Cinema Center will present a free screening for the community.
-The First Wednesday Series is sponsored by AAUW, Fort Wayne Hedge School, Fort Wayne Women's Bureau, Gladieux Consulting, League of Women Voters and Ujima Resources.
Ft Wayne Cinema Center
437 East Berry Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46802-2817
2010-05-09 Massachusetts - Boston
Boston LGBT Festival
May 9, 2010 - 7:30pm, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Starring Sharon Gless (Queer as Folk, Cagney & Lacey) in a tremendous performance, Hannah Free is a moving film about the lifelong love affair between an independent spirit and the woman she calls home.
Tickets Link
2010-05-13 New Jersey - Toms River
Thursday, May 13, 6pm.
Ocean County Library
Toms River Branch, Mancini Hall
Free screening open to the public with a panel discussion to follow.
2010-05-16 Georgia - Savannah
Savannah Gay & Lesbian Film Society
May 16, 7 p.m. http://www.savannahgaylesbianfilmsociety.com/
2010-05-19 Florida - Lakeworth
Hannah Free
Wed., May 19 8 p.m.
Lake Worth Playhouse
713 Lake Avenue
Lake Worth, Florida
2010-05-23 New York - Pleasantville
Jacob Burns Film Center
Out at the Movies 2010
May 23 and June 1
2010-05-27 New Zealand - Wellington
Out Takes New Zealand http://www.outtakes.org.nz/
2010-06-01 New York - Pleasantville
Jacob Burns Film Center New York
"Out On Film Series"
May 23 and June 1
2010-06-06 Florida - Orlando Gay Days
Hannah Free
Sunday, June 6 at 12 p.m. NOON
Doubletree Resort Orlando - International Drive
10100 International Drive
Orlando, Florida 32821
2010-06-13 Michigan - Three Oaks
Sunday, June 13, 3 p.m. eastern time
Acorn Theater
107 Generations Drive, behind the post office in Three Oaks. Tickets are $10, call 269-756-3879 or see www.acorntheater.com. Advance tickets are recommended, and the theater accepts cash, checks, Visa or Mastercard. Three Oaks is about 75 miles from Chicago.
2010-09-26 Colorado - Boulder
Sunday September 26, 3:30pm
The Nomad Theater, 1410 Quince St., Boulder, Colorado
Presented by Bent Lens Cinema and Rainbow Elders
Admission: $5.00
2010-10-14 South Africa - Vlaeberg
Out in Africa Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
2010-11-08 Utah - Salt Lake
Salt Lake Film Society
2010-11-11 Puerto Rico - San Juan
Puerto Rico Queer Film Fest
2010-11-26 Italy - Florence
Florence Queer Festival
2011-01-30 New York - Schenectady
Sunday, Jan. 30, 4 p.m.
GE Theatre at Proctors, proctors.org
2011-03-09 Illinois - Macomb
Hannah Free
Wed., March 9, 2011
2 p.m., Western Illinois University Leslie F. Malpass Library, Room 180
Followed by a discussion
2011-03-10 Kentucky - Lexington
The One World Film Festival
20011 schedule runs between February 13 and March 17, 2011
information available soon at:
Hannah Free will be screened on March 10
Screenings at 5 and 7:30 p.m.
The Kentucky Theater
314 E. Main Street
2011-04-08 Florida - West Palm Beach
Palm Beach Women's International Film Festival
Hannah Free screening
Friday, April 8
2011-05-24 Illinois - Chicago
Hannah Free screening
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
DePaul University
14 E. Jackson, LL102
Food and drinks 5:30 pm
Screening 6 pm with talkback after with screenwriter and playwright Claudia Allen and other cast and crew from the Chicago-made film Hannah Free
Sponsored by the Media and Cinema Studies Program at DePaul
University's College of Communications
2012-01-14 Illinois - Chicago
Hannah Free at Anything but Straight: The LGBT Film Series
Free screening
Saturday, Jan. 14
Chicago History Museum
1601 North Clark St. Chicago IL